Periwinkle (AKA Vinca, Vinca Rosea) [Botanical Name: Catharanthus Roseus] {Hindi Name: सदाबहार}

This is a very common flower in India, but I'm not sure whether all my good friends out there in all the parts of the world have ever seen this beauty. It's name is Periwinkle. In Hindi, it is called Sadabahar (सदाबहार), which means blooming in every season; yes, this flower blooms all the 12 months. The plant grows in any soil, accepts any weather, sun and shadow both are welcome, dry or rainy both are acceptable.

We people have to learn from this plant and its cute flowers; no matter what comes in life, always keep smiling and the situation will be better with your smile :) See… the flower looks like it is smiling :)

Periwinkle, Vinca, Catharanthus Roseus, Vinca Rosea


  1. Hello, this must be the most positive flower in the world! Nice tought as usual.

  2. I liked your blog very much.Its absolutely mind-blowing with superb pictures and ofcourse with lovely lines.
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  3. Vincas are almost the only flowers surviving the summer in Arizona! A lot of people think of them as annuals because it is not easy to keep them for the next year...
    The one you show is so vibrant!

  4. Anyway this flower is so delicate and pure beautiful!
    God bless you

  5. Beautiful lesson from beautiful flower:)

  6. Hello Bhavesh. I have seen many periwinkles both in Southern California while I was growing up and here in North Carolina as well. They are not native to the area, but with proper care will grow here in the spring and summer. Lovely little flowers, they are. :)

  7. A beautiful flower and some very wise words!

  8. My periwinkles bloom in a lovely pale blue violet. In fact many people call it Periwinkle Blue. I love this plant and have two varieties. One has variegated leaves and a lighter flower.

  9. A periwinkle is indeed a cheerful flower. Lovely photo,and good advice.

  10. Bhavesh, you are so wise. Your words are as beautiful as the flower. Thank you for posting!

  11. I agree with you, I wish we had the same resilience of this simple flower. Nice post

  12. what a pic man!!!!!!awesome......while luking on dis pic it feels so relaxing............gud capture n exact properly focused.......

  13. Such a sweet photo.
    Thanks for sharing at
