Tree At Height

We like to soar high like birds and feel the fresh blowing air. Ever thought about the most decent species on the planet? Yes, I'm talking about trees. They too must be enjoying more if they are lucky enough like this one to be alive at such an altitude.

Tree at height


  1. Its branches are reaching up and out as if to be savoring every breeze.

    That is lovely, Bhavesh. Thank you for sharing. Namaste

  2. your tree oversees a wonderful view. Nice shot of the landscape.

  3. Thank you Aripi, Janie and Babzy :)

    Bedse Caves

  4. This is such an excellent shot !! Is it taken from pune -bombay highway !! Great One...Unseen Rajasthan

  5. Yes Bharat, it's near Pune-Mumbai Expressway. It's a shot from our Bedse trip, remember? :) You too have great photographs from there.

  6. Beautiful view and the trees remind us than even old there is always something green in us...

  7. This is a really great photo. It's almost like seeing the world through the tree's "eyes".

  8. i love capturin such tress...u ll find ample of them near nasik..igatpuri:) this side angle is brilliant!
