Different Swine Flu Masks

I received a very interesting email forward. Just discovered a new arena in fashion — even the swine flu masks can be used for fashion. Enjoy these masks :) Which one is your favorite?

Girl Wearing Butterfly Swine Flu Mask

Skeleton Swine Flu Mask

Blue Swine Flu Mask

Ghost Swine Flu Mask

Shark Teeth Swine Flu Mask

Ghostly and Plain Blue Swine Flu Masks

Alien Swine Flu Mask

Swine Flu Mask with Mustache

I don't claim copyright of these images as these have not been photographed by me.


  1. I like the first mask the best but they all have their own personality.

  2. it is nice to see people are keeping their sense of humor over this!
    I like the first one too.

  3. Creativity exist always.
    God is great - The first artist who inspire everybody.

  4. Wow, some of those are amusing, but I like the butterfly the best.

  5. I love the butterfly mask! Some of the others are scary -- kind of reminds me of the middle ages and the plague fears -- !!!

  6. Funny. I like the first and last. Sure hope we're not all sporting these fashions in a few months.

  7. Above pic showing d future as it has bee seen dis 2 days dat swine flu has not yet been stop complettly from spreding......a day will cum when public has to get to use to it n where mask to stay protected n will b used as in sense of fashion,as it luks as simple n worlds demands fancy......so d above senario is fact if some important will not b taken....local gov. should take steps to keep city clean den only possible... just imagine a movie wit mask on hero n heroine face!!!!

  8. Hey thats really cool.. i seen some funky ones around..

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