Happy 101 Award

Joy has given me this wonderful award — Happy 101 Award. See her blog; it's too good!

There are some rules with the award…
1. Copy the award image into a post
2. Then list 10 things that make you happy
3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day
4. Put in a link to their blogs
5. Notify the award receivers
6. Award recipients link back to sender's blog

So here is the award below, and following are the rule-following.

Happy 101 Award
to add the award to your blog's sidebar.

10 things that make me happy [not necessarily in the order]…
1. Photography
2. Roaming around in the remote areas with my wife; she takes better photos than me!
3. Sitting relaxed on top of canopy.
4. Bird-watching.
5. Seeing birth of trees. Yes, I do spread seeds.
6. Listening to a wide variety of music.
7. Watching comedy movies.
8. Knowing about the universe, especially the earth.
9. Blogging
10. Flying [yet to learn]

10 bloggers who brighten my day [don't feel bad if you are not in the list; I've just selected the random good 10 blogs I know.]…
1. SarahsImages' Photostream
2. My Life, My Sharing
3. Chris Photo Nature
4. france
6. Chandler A to Z
7. Rice, beans & pastichio...
9. One Photograph a Day
10. A Wandering Mind

And now linking back to Joy's post where she awarded me :) — Joy and Awards

Enjoy the game! To make it easy…
to add the award to your blog's sidebar.


  1. Bonjour je cherche la traduction dsl
    Bonne journée

  2. Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful award with me. I am delighted to get this award. Thanks for your encouragement and support.

  3. Hello from France !
    Congratulations for this award !
    I will try to go on your blog more often.

  4. Salut la France,

    J'ai ajouté outil de traduction sur mon blog. Alternativement, vous pouvez trouver la traduction de mon blog ici.

  5. Merci je pense que c'est beaucoup plus simple pour moi Merci encore

  6. Bien je vais le faire mais plus tard bye

  7. Congratulations Bhavesh! HOORAY! You deserve this so much. You know I could give you an award every day for making me smile, right? :) I am SO happy Blogger has fixed the glitch and I'm able to get back into blogspot blogs and read you again. What a relief!

    And thank you for awarding my photostream, I really appreciate that!!! What a nice surprise!!

  8. Interesting list of the things that make you happy. I hope your week-end is happy also.

  9. please come to my blog and pick up an award I have for you.

  10. Lovely to see the award travelling on introducing me to more wonderful blogs (I may never get off my computer!!!!) I love your list of 10 things too!

  11. Awesome..congratulation to all...thanks

  12. Congratulations Bhavesh. I'm so happy for you & extremely grateful that you've passed this award to me. Thank you & as I've mentioned previously, I'm flattered.
    Have a wonderful week! :)

  13. Thanks again Bhavesh...here's my post...
    Happy 101 Award

  14. I'm so highly obliged Cheryl! You've done a very expressive post!! Thank you so so so so much!!!

  15. Congrats Mate.... You deserve this..
