Huge grasshopper on a motor scooter pillion seat

Update: The title of the original post was "Guess what?" to check the blogger friends' keenness. Now it has been changed to "Huge grasshopper on a motor scooter pillion seat" for SEO purpose. The content of the original post follows…

Any guesses why we took the below photo? Anyone? No? Oh, I see some hands rising. Freely tell what you think. Scroll down to see why :)

Huge grasshopper as a pillion rider

The reason is the pillion rider. See the above photo again. The pillion rider is a huge tamarind colored grasshopper! Do you see it? See it in a closer photo below.

Huge grasshopper on a motor scooter seat

Some of you might be interested in seeing how creepy it really looked. So the following close-up photo of the huge grasshopper is just for those of you :)

Close-up of a huge grasshopper

Thanks to Megha; she noticed this creeper when we were heading towards the lush greens near the old Katraj tunnel in the elephant mountain. The photos above are taken by her only :)


  1. May be the grasshopper wants to cut down travelling time by taking lift...LOL

    Hamaree Rasoi

  2. Anonymous28 June, 2010

    That's cool....

  3. very interesting... kudos to Megha for her keen observation!

  4. A free ride for the grasshopper! Plus a portrait!

  5. maybe he was the navigator... Back seat driver :)

  6. Ohmigosh, what an interesting passenger! He really is, um, unique! Huge kudos to Megha for spotting this one!

  7. Creeper is the right word!! :) We have big creepers here too, usually green. Have a nice week! :)

  8. wow nice! You did test our observation power! I bet everyone missed it.

  9. @ Mitr Friend - Bhushavali: It's a DSLR from Canon :)

  10. Good eye for you to notice that.
    Thanks for sharing at
