Aerial view of beach

In our recent Konkan trip, I was fortunate enough to revisit the beautiful Anjarle and Harne beaches after 4-5 years. It was as beautiful as it was in the past. A few things did change for the bad just like when humans come over. But this beach was thankfully as it was.

Getting an aerial view of beach was a big gain of the trip. The below photo is an aerial view of beach of Anjarle. The tri-color looked awesome from this height. I loved to take this photo. Do you love this photo?

Aerial view of beach
Aerial view of beach
Aerial view of beach


  1. I do love this photo.
    What a wonderful beach.

  2. @ Joy: Thank you. It's not blue, but is very beautiful somehow.

  3. This is lovely! I have never been to a beach but after seeing this, so want to go :(

  4. @ Neha: You must visit a beach in your lifetime; it's a wonderful experience. You know, Megha had never seen a beach until a few months before our marriage? She is highly fascinated by beaches. She was waiting for this trip for a long time!

  5. Well, you should save your money and take Megha to Antigua in the Caribbean - if I recall correctly, that is the island with 365 beaches, one for every day of the year! I've visited some of the most beautiful beaches in the world - though I've never been one to really lie out in the hot sun for any length of time. I do enjoy the ocean, though, more than anything - mountains, a close second - but I don't really like the hot weather. That's why northern California is so perfect for me.

    Your picture is nice...the beach doesn't seem to have any people on it?

  6. @ RNSANE: I always just hope that I will save money some day. I am a person who spends everything on luxury and pleasure. I must make a change now :) From your words, it's clear that Northern California is a cold place, just like me and Megha like it! Oh yes, there do not seem to be any people on the beach, but there are 2-3 I have seen zooming in! In India, there are still many unexplored beaches! This one IS explored, but is not commercialized yet; good in my opinion :)
