Monkey Family Picture

There are 8 of them, 6 adults and 2 children. Do you see 2 child monkeys sticked to their mother monkeys in this monkey family picture? We took this photo in Bhangarh.

We were not lucky to take this monkey family picture. Yes, we were NOT lucky, because these monkeys were in uncountable number there.

How is the picture?

Monkey Family Picture
Monkey Family Picture
Monkey Family Picture


  1. This is great! It makes me want to grab a hammock and lie out like they are... but a bit away from them to be safe :)

  2. @ Geeta: Nice imagination :) Come over!

  3. I saw a monkey family at the next building's terrace after lunch today. It seemed like a joint family - relaxing, sleeping and playing. And I actually said to my colleague that I envy them for being able to enjoy the lovely sunshine in this dreaded winters!

    I tried clicking their picture but a mobile phone 3.2 mp is useless in such cases :(

  4. wowww:) awesum click!
    hows u?
    m finally back:):)hop u n both r doin gud!!

  5. @ Neha: Most humans must be envy. Actually, all the species other than humans are enjoying their lives :)

    @ divsi: Thank you. And I'm doing great! is doing even better than me :)

    @ ARIPI DE FLUTURE: Thank you :)

    @ Mitr Friend - Bhushavali: Thank you :)
