Misty forest road

"Oh my!". Be it a lady line, but let me say it. The misty forest road early in the morning in Konkan was breathtakingly beautiful. One has to BE there to actually feel the beauty of it. Do you think that my photography is expressing it?

Misty forest road

See my post named Most powerful power supply. That photograph was taken on this same road.

Here is a zoomed out photo of the misty forest road, which gives a completely natural tunnel feeling. Be there to feel it! When do you want to join us?

Misty forest road - zoomed out

Did you note that the photos have a reddish/orangish/copperly shade? It's of the rising sunlight!


  1. I have always loved misty and tunneling pictures. They evoke in me a kind of mysterious feelings which I enjoy very much. The perspective element is so perfect,leaving no much white space. That tunneling picture reminds me of Elizabeth Kubler Ross:). I am transported to the past...where I used to traverse similar route while I was a teenager. Sandwiched between thick forest, away from crowd... woww...you made that experience rise in me again.

  2. @ cyclopseven: You have expressed yourself so very well! It's really nice to be a reason for recalling your good memories :)
