Bright White Pinda Concanensis (Panda) Flowers

Bright White Pinda Concanensis (Panda) Flowers

Probably, there is no information about Bright White Pinda Concanensis (Panda) flowers on the web! Well, you got it right. I too don't have any :) What I know is that Bright White Pinda Concanensis is a native flower of the western ghats, blooming only for a few days annually every monsoon. It's a tiny flower. It is a herb too with some importance in Ayurved. The flowers bloom on a small shrub about 1½ foot in height.

Keeping informative and technical stuff apart, tell me; do you find Bright White Pinda Concanensis (Panda) flowers beautiful? At least my eyes are filled by the beauty. Nature is amazing!


  1. They are very sweet little flowers, Bhavesh. I think, even more so, because of their limited blooming time.

  2. @ RNSANE: You got it right :)

  3. A very nice flower with umbels! Must be a monsoon's flower!

  4. @ Thérèse: You're correct Thérèse! It's a monsoon flower.

  5. Hi Bhavesh, thanks for your lovely comment and advice - it's more than appreciated! To be honest with you I've never regarded my photos as something worth to be taken by someone, but what you wrote made me thinking about it! Thanks a lot!
    I love these gentle flowers in your photo! The nature is so exciting!

  6. how lovely!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  7. @ joo: My pleasure! And I'm happy that you liked the flowers.

    @ Cloudia: Really! Mahalo!!

  8. @ Mitr Friend - Bhushavali: I just Googled them and found them very similar if a single flower is considered. Looks like they grow in a patterned bunches! Nice!! Is it local to your place?

  9. Very beautiful and pretty looking flowers. You have taken lovely shot.

  10. Rajesh shah23 July, 2012

    Cute little flowers!
