Misty scene of trees and a winding walkway in greenery

Misty scene of trees and a winding walkway in greenery

A walk in Konkan area of the Western Ghats is always rewarding, not in terms of money, but in terms of scenic beauty. I always bring back some nicely colored pixels. Here is one you MUST decorate your wall with. I have converted the beautiful scene into a Premium Photo Painting ready to decorate your wall with. To see the dimensions & price, and to order, please click Premium Photo Painting of a Misty Scene. For a keen look at the painting, see the following close-ups…

Close-up 1 of the misty scene
Misty scene of trees and a winding walkway in greenery - Crop 1

Close-up 2 of the misty scene
Misty scene of trees and a winding walkway in greenery - Crop 2

Close-up 3 of the misty scene
Misty scene of trees and a winding walkway in greenery - Crop 3

Buy Premium Photo Painting of a Misty Scene


  1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=538576669505083&set=a.501115576584526.132337.501109953251755&type=1&theater

  2. http://kavitalihi.blogspot.in/2012/11/perceptions-of-threat.html

  3. Very pretty and a mysterious air to it.

  4. Very ethereal and atmospheric! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #59!
