NH 11 - National Highway 11 [India]

NH 11 - National Highway 11 [India]

What an awesome drive it was travelling from the amazingly beautiful Chand Baori step well in Abhaneri to Jaipur. The National Highway 11 was smooth like butter; watch out ;)

If you are in Jaipur, do go on a drive on NH 11; you will love it. Of course, you need to consider the season when planning a visit. Winter is the best time. Otherwise, you may be scorched by the sun.


  1. That's a huge load! Amazing.

    I'm very well and hope you are too!

    1. Ya, true!

      I'm doing good too :) Thank you for coming here!

  2. OMG, Bhavesh. The things you see there all the time would totally astound the rest of us!

    1. That's very true Ginnie. That's the reason foreigners [for us] come here for holidays and enjoy every minute of their time seeing things that were not to be seen any time in their life in their own country :)

  3. The NH11 didn't exist when we were in India, it was a dusty, pot-holed road with just one lane in either direction....but still with tractors carrying huge loads! :-)

    1. That's how rapidly India is thinking it is developing, where in fact, it is destroying every resource!

      I hope you enjoyed seeing the huge loads :)

  4. shir me job chahi ya nh 11 m me ak civil engineering diploma 2yer me hu or mujy trinig ke liy job chahiy pliz shir my name gulshankumawat h my no.8769158337

    1. Gulshan, this is not a job website. Nonetheless, if I do find something matching for you, I will contact you. Best wishes for you!
