Absolutely breathtaking panoramic view from a spot near Varandha Ghat in the Western Ghats

Absolutely breathtaking panoramic view from a spot near Varandha Ghat in the Western Ghats

Above is the maximum single shot view that I could capture from the viewing point that is not declared, but is just there :) The panoramic view from there is absolutely breathtaking. Following are a few cut-outs/crops/portions from the above photo…

Canyon peaks of Varandha Ghat in UNESCO declared world heritage site of Western Ghats
Canyon peaks of Varandha Ghat in UNESCO declared world heritage site of Western Ghats

Trees pushing their limits to grow upwards holding their roots on the 45 degree slopes of the mountains of Varandha Ghat
Trees pushing their limits to grow upwards holding their roots on the 45 degree slopes of the mountains of Varandha Ghat

A jeep going towards Varandha / Konkan, composed in the breathtaking view
A jeep going towards Varandha / Konkan, composed in the breathtaking view

Rocks, boulders, stones on the peaks of the huge mountains of Varandha Ghat
Rocks, boulders, stones on the peaks of the huge mountains of Varandha Ghat

2 dwellings at a seemingly impossible place to live in for human beings
2 dwellings at a seemingly impossible place to live in for human beings


  1. http://kavitalihi.blogspot.in/2013/01/prayers-at-top.html

    1. Your power of taking the true meaning out of my photographic expressions is unmatched. Of course, your power is not limited to that :)
