ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

A Box of Baton Cookies at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Frankly, I relate chocolate with the European culture. I had never imagined that Japan can make better chocolates, at least compared to those available in the Indian market. ROYCE’ leaves all far behind! These are the best chocolates that I have ever had. Perhaps we all know how tasty chocolates the other brands like Lindt, Ferrero, etc. produce. But ROYCE’ is something exceptionally new for India if you are looking for a change. Their Baton Cookies are out of this world. The idea of potatochips-chocolate plays with the tastebuds. And of course, although not something new or unusual, their flagship Nama chocolate is heavenly indeed. Thank you Carpe Diem for inviting me to this tasting event at ROYCE’ [at Phoenix Market City Pune], and thank you hosts Pracey, Carina and Shivangi! I will leave it on the photos to lure you!

Baton Cookies with Hazelnuts and Cacaonibs at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Wrapped Baton Cookies with Hazelnuts and Cacaonibs at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

3 MM Thin Prafeuille Chocolat at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Wrapped Prafeuille Chocolat at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

The Collection at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Chocolate Boxes at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Shop Decoration at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Bhavesh says, it's a Pouch of Joy at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Criollos at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Potatochip Chocolate [Original] at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Prafeuille Chocolat at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Criollo Chocolate [Bitter] at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

Nama Chocolate [Liquor Free] at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

ROYCE’ Store at Phoenix Market City [Pune, India]

Criollo Chocolate Box at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]

The Showcase at ROYCE’ [Phoenix Market City, Pune, India]


  1. I definitely like chocolate - especially the dark variety - with a glass of good red wine!!! You don't have an ounce of fat on you, Bhavesh, but I do, sad to say, or I would indulge more often!!!

    1. Although I am non-alcoholic, I can imagine how tasty the combination of dark chocolate and old wine will go! You have a real good taste for food-things along with many other stuff Carmen!

      Good for me that my body does not take too much fat on; I keep midway almost all the time - not fat and not slim. But I must say, you are way too fit for your age. Although, I am over-confident that I am never going to get old, who knows how terribly unfit ours and the next generations are going to be at your age! Bravo Carmen! :)

    2. I am most delighted that, my first visit to India, I managed to take off forty pounds and it has stayed off. My doctors were thrilled. Sadly, my goal of losing another forty has yet to be achieved. With my two week transatlantic cruise soon, I need to take off weight BEFORE!

    3. That is terrific, Carmen! 40 pounds?!

      Well, the experience now tells you that you be in India for 6 more months, and you will shed off 40 more :) The transatlantic cruise will see you slim!

  2. Beautiful photos, Bhavesh.
    Thank you for sharing with us at
