A walk in nature

A great close-up of a beautiful pink flower while walking in nature

It is always so amazing to walk in nature. The things around you make you feel alive in true senses. The city life we humans have created is so contrastingly disinteresting! If you are a nature lover, you already know what I mean. If you have never been out from the concrete, take a walk, far away from the human traces, where existence is “sahaj”. My one such walk a few months back, although not completely into the pure rawness, got me seeing and appreciating the beauty of a simple blooming tree. It was so simple, yet colourful and unbelievably amazing – the flowers would soon become seeds, which in turn, will grow into a similar tree blooming some day with similar flowers that will continue the cycle by producing similar seeds, with some minor improvements! Life is more amazing than we think it to be!

Close-up of a bunch of pink flowers seen while walking in nature

Dried and blooming flowers while walking in nature


  1. Du hast recht, es gibt nichts Schöneres als ein Spaziergang in der Natur.
    Schöne Fotos hast du mitgebracht.
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  2. Spring is my fave time of year because of these gorgeous blooms!

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