Thoseghar Waterfall

Let the photographs load; these are worth the wait.

In the beginning of August 2009, I went to Kas Plateau and Thoseghar Waterfall. I have already published posts on Kas Plateau [I had to visit Kas again in the mid of September 2009 to photograph the wild flowers]. It's time to showcase the beauty of the twin attraction — Thoseghar Waterfall.

I like vertically long photographs. One of the examples from the past is Moon and Sun in One Photograph — a vertical panorama. But which is the best subject for long vertical photography? There may be many, but in monsoon? You obviously guessed it right — waterfalls!

Thoseghar has many large and small waterfalls, but there are 4-5 main falls in the canyon. Facing towards the falls, the first photograph below shows the second waterfall from the left.

Note: None of the below pictures are panoramas. All are single shots.

Scroll slowly for a feast for eyes.
Thoseghar waterfall's right stream in the group of falls that has around 300 meters drop

I hope you liked it! The photo below is of the first waterfall from the left. There's a reason behind putting them in the reverse order as I have a good size-comparison photograph for the below one, which I want to end the post with.

Thoseghar waterfall's left stream that probably is the second voluminous in the group of falls

I guess your eyeballs are popping out now by excitement. All the falls are just huge in size. The best way to express their size is to have a comparison subject. In the photo above, do you see a leafless tree at the halt of the waterfall, in front of the the tiny lake? Below is a close-up of that tree. Now I know that you know how mighty the waterfall is!

Comparison of a tree with the size of the left waterfall of Thoseghar. The tree looks tiny compared to the waterfall.

I am sure you're drenched!


  1. Wow! very nice waterfalls...

  2. absolutely wonderful!


    enjoyed these very much,
    keep'em coming


  3. amayzing! so beautiful :X love it

  4. Eyes are drenched.

  5. Oh Bhavesh, these photos are magnificent. I must share this post on my blog. Best wishes always, friend. Namaste

  6. Im coming from the Tantra Flower's blog! hi!
    congrats for this photos, really is amazing your work!
    hugs from Buenos Aires,

  7. drenched - oh, if only i WERE truly drenched from the liquid beauty of this fall - cold chill bumps [the good kind] from just flowing downward with these magnificent photos! truly breathtaking! thank you for sharing! namaste' - jenean

  8. Yes drenched but amazed!
    Bravo, bravo.

  9. I'm not just drenched, I'm drowning in the artistry of nature combined with your artistry in photography!

    I think the waterfalls are incredible, and also quite frightening in their power.

  10. You've done a truly sensational job with these, Bhavesh. The long scroll was extremely effective and I see that you have put quite a lot of thought into this post - to say nothing of the awe-inspiring landscape itself.

    The last photo is also very nice. Kudos to you, Bhavesh.

  11. What can I write - it's breathtaking!

  12. Astonishing how tall the waterfalls are! The last one is almost frightening to see the power of the water, but beautiful also.

  13. Wow, these are just amazing. Beautiful!

  14. Those are absolutely stunning.

  15. Fantastic!
    I'm really glad I wandered into your blog - awesome photos and my spirit is revived :)

  16. Stunning photos of a magnificent waterfall.

  17. Thank you for visiting my blog, so in turn I could find you. How did you TAKE these photos? And I have seen other waterfalls, like the Victoria falls and Niagara, but this one surely matches them, and I had never even heard of it! You are a great photographer!

  18. That is unbelievable, Bhavesh. I'm really not sure how you did it!

  19. Fantastic photos - and yes, I got a bit wet!

  20. Breath taking as well as drenchingly good. Never seen such long narrow photos, wonderful subject to try them out.

  21. Olá Bhavesh,

    Thank you for visiting my blog.I'm happy to meet you.
    Your photos are wonderful!!
    I love India, its rich culture, espiritualidade.Sonho in one day to know the Índia.Por while I knew by his look.
    Beijos(kisses)from Brasil
    Nice :-)

  22. Just amazing!
    Bhavesh, these are awesome shots.

  23. These photos really can give all the power and freshness of waterfalls!
    Beautiful pictures, great job!

  24. Oh my goodness!!!!! What fantastic photographs dear Bhavesh!! You are so creative. Amazing! I absolutely LOVE these!!

  25. Not just, that the place looks beautiful! That's a stunning piece of photography! Very nicely done!

    Pixellicious Photos

  26. Puf ... puf ... man, I got into your comment box already tired ... what exhausting journey you made us do to get here! And a fantastic one too!

    As for Brugges - quite a lot of bikes ... but you should see Netherlands!

  27. Really amazing waterfall, and beautiful pictures of it!
    Greetings from Norway.:)

  28. Thanks to you all friends, for your beautiful comments. I enjoy these very much :)


  29. These are incredible long shots – you said these were not panorama pictures – so I am not sure how you could get such long shots? Anyway they are beautiful – what a gorgeous country.

  30. WOW!I love your shot of the falls.The falls must be very high.

  31. I have no words to express my sentiments as you are really very very near to my heart.

  32. the pictures are ultimate!!
    i felt like standing below te waterfalll...woow!!

  33. Impressive and amazing, the roar of this falls must be deafening.

  34. I'm excited. Your blog and your pictures are wonderful. I would also like a follower.

    Greetings from Germany

  35. thanks for stopping by my blog again
    I love these waterfall panoramas!!
    Well done

  36. Beautiful shots of the beautiful falls. Wish I could be there and see them in person. I can almost hear the exciting roar of them. Helen

  37. Anonymous14 July, 2011

    beautiful are wonderful.

  38. beautiful pictures of the waterfall!! loved 'em!

  39. Anonymous07 June, 2012

    Indeed beautiful pictures!

  40. Beautiful waterfall! Amazingly huge!

  41. Beautiful Pictures ..Really Monsoon Magic......
