Ranger With Lions

Some of my friends are just wonderful in forwarding great emails. I think I too should be generous enough to share those superb emails with you all my dear friends. Enjoy the pictures below. I don't claim copyright of these images as I have not taken these.

Ranger with a lion

Ranger with a lioness

Ranger with a lioness

Ranger with a lioness

Ranger with a lioness

Ranger with a lioness

Ranger with a lioness

Ranger with a black panther

Ranger with a hyena

Ranger with a hyena

Ranger with hyenas

Ranger with a lion

Ranger with a lion

Ranger with lionesses

Ranger with lionesses

Ranger with lions

Ranger with lions

Ranger with lions

Ranger with lions


  1. Good heavens who is this amazing man!?!

  2. That man is fearless and maybe a little crazy, but those images are amazing. The animals appear so tame and loving.

  3. Of course I asked the same question but I would not be surprised that he wants to remain incognito.
    It is moving and wonderful!
    Thank you for sharing Bhavesh.

  4. Lovely pictures Bhavesh; my son likes them too!

  5. anmals are amazing:)and i think he is a good man

  6. wow! now he must have tamed them good... for them to be so unchewey on him. that or he has fed his partner to the lions before all this picture hahaha.

  7. Like Diane I would say "perhaps a little crazy" because who knows what could happen one day... I met such wonderful loving people and I heard what they said about friendship between people and lions...

  8. Those are just amazing photos. I love the one where the man and lion are both squinting.

  9. We think alike!
    See my post for Saturday....

    Namaste & Aloha, Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  10. Oh wow how can he do that. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)

  11. awesum pix bhavesh.kudos to the one who clicked:) amazin..thnx for sharin these!

  12. such absolutely incredible images! thank you so much for sharing!

  13. Well - these are AMAZING.

  14. What beautiful shots! I love animals but would be afraid to get so close – this man is extraordinary – do you know who he is? Thanks for these wonderful pictures.

  15. I wish I knew Vagabonde. I would have taken an appointment with the Lions by that way :)

  16. photo shop

  17. Dear Anonymous,

    It doesn't look like a PhotoShop trick. Seems the animals are not completely wild.

  18. I love it! Cheers from Romania

  19. I am fairly certain that is Kevin Richardson an animal behaviorist(self-taught too) who has a new show out on National Geographic Wild channel called "The Lion Ranger" about his efforts to save a lion sanctuary or park in africa some where. I missed the first episode this week but it replays Saturday and I plan to watch .

  20. @ Anonymous: Cheers to Romania!

    @ Anonymous: Probably you are right. I have to check it out :)

  21. I love evey sinlge stuff which is somehow related to Lions, due to the fact that they are the icon of power within the whole animal kingdom.

  22. I love the work the lion ranger is doing! Being a cat specie lover myself i can feel the pressures he has to deal with. Let's try help him to make that difference in the kingdom, after all is that not what God commands us to do, is to look after the animals cos He placed us in charge of them. If we can get people all over the world to make small donations towards that cause, think how much easier things will be for those who do the work.

  23. @ Anonymous: You are so true and wise.

  24. Anonymous25 May, 2011

    this is really cool if its real i love lions their such nice creatures

  25. @ Anonymous: It does seem to be real. I have seen this person's documentary on Discovery or NatGeo also.

  26. Kevin Richardson is the awesome man in the pictures.

  27. Where can I fine the rest of his seasons?
