To preserve history, they have cut the future!

There's a sad news. One of my loved ones is seriously injured. I refer to my post named Nature's Brickwork. I went to the same place — Tikona Fort again last Sunday. The powerful fig shown in that post is cut by the people who declare themselves as the guardians of the remains of the fort. When I asked one such person over there with a roar of dissatisfaction, why they cut my tree, he said the tree will ruin the historical bastion. When I saw the tragic scene, I had guessed the same logic behind it. He said that they are planning to cut all such trees in the near future. What a Catch-22! Save the history, or save the future?

I am concerned by the cut tree, but am a bit relieved that they have not noticed that removing a fig's roots is not as easy as drinking a cup of coffee. The roots are still there, and the tree will grow again. To make it more relieving, I seeded the place with some of my favorite raw trees considering the upcoming rainy season — monsoon in 2½ months.

I took a photo of the same place. Here is the comparison…

Nature's Brickwork at Tikona Fort — A Fig Tree on a Bastion
In the winter of 2006
Nature's Brickwork Destroyed at Tikona Fort — A Fig Tree on a Bastion is Cut Now
In the summer of 2010


  1. What a thoughtful post! It is really disgusting that they don't know the value of nature. For them forts are necessary or trees? I am highly disappointed by this act.
    Is there any law or place where you can go and complaint about this? Hey You can give this post in press and they will take some step.

  2. You're so right Yogesh. I'll give it a try!

  3. qué lamentable lo que estamos haciendo con los seres vivos de la Tierra! qué dolor! aún nos hace falta mucha evolución, mucha Conciencia por expandir.

  4. Patricia Usted está correcto

  5. I am barracking for the fig tree!

  6. Thanks for the appreciation Cimpoaca

  7. Yes ... it probably was not an easy decision for them to make, either. Past ... or future? Maybe someday, when the new growth comes back, they will see that beauty and nature are as much a part of history as the rocks. Mankind can be a little arrogant with "history" ... not realizing that all species contribute to "history", not just human made objects. I feel sad that the "living history" of that beautiful fig has been cut short.

  8. I hope everything goes well for your family member.
    Trees will survive us anyway... :) but it's important to take care of them.

  9. that's disturbing. the hole in the wall. makes us feel the impact of the loss of the tree even more.. i second what yogesh said

  10. I think something you said should become a common part of speech, like a proverb:

    "Save the history, or save the future?"

    Excellent insight.

  11. Very thoughtful post. It was so nice when the tree was there and the beauty is no more as it has gone forever. Brilliant post.

  12. :( It makes me sad that the tree is gone now. I hate when these things happen Bhavesh. I'm soooo glad you have the picture from 2006. Our cameras are wonderful tools to document our fading landscapes. I agree with Babli, this is a brilliant post. Thank you. Thank you, too, for planting more.

  13. I agree with the mother nature..

  14. Ola

    venho dizer-te que as fotos sao tirada da net e esta la na foto o nome do sitio de onde as tiro.

    nao sou fotografa.
    obrigada pelo elogio:))
    Sabe sempre bem receber um elogio , sendo mais eu uma mulher:))

  15. Don't they know that by cutting that tree they have cut theur own arm? Or do they not see the destruction of their own souls? All of the creation moans at the sight of self distruction, weather it is us doing it to ourselves or one another, or to the creation. That building is made of stone from the earth, and was on its way to returning. The tree was helping it on its journey back... Plant another tree Bhavesh, it's the best thing to do for love's reward... Walk in beauty my friend!

  16. The tree was a handsome one indeed. Too bad it was cut down. It is wonderful though that you have a nice photo of the fort when the tree "guarded it".

  17. What a very thoughtful post! I was lucky enough to visit Angkor Wat,Cambodia where the authorities have fortunately left trees to grow naturally inside buildings & walls!Nature left alone looks wonderful!

    btw do you think politicians should be left alone too?! Wonder what you'd make of my current post?!!

    Have a great weekend!


  18. That is so sad. At your age you are seeing things you care about change. Things have changed drasticly in my life , my surroundings affect me as yours do you but I am old and progress is to be expected, but some things really bother me. I am sorry that you are seeing it already.

  19. is sad when you need to choose

  20. We human beings tend to prioritize what's important in strange ways. I don't understand why it's so hard for some of us to see that all life is precious and that we should do all we can to preserve it. I hope those roots do what they know best: grow and reclaim their right to be.

  21. A thoughtful post, but a sad one too.

  22. How sad to see the beautiful fig tree made the scene so much more special. Very sad, indeed.

  23. Please put blog .Te Google Translator so I can read everything you write, pal.

  24. Hi Elena,

    I'm so glad that you like my blog so much :) The translator is at the bottom; see the green bar? There's a translation tool.

  25. Wah !!!!!!!!

    Bhaveshji ,

    Wah !!!!!!!!

    -(umesh chaudhari, pune)

  26. Jayesh Mishra23 March, 2012

    thanks for the post for bhavesh , not only eye for detail , but you and all who have posted above in protection of nature ,have also HEART for detail..... being humane is way much better than being just being human .. smiley.. with heart....

    1. Thank you for your appreciation Jayesh :)
