Shehnai Player Statue - Agroha, Hissar, Haryana, India

I was lucky to have been taken by a relative to a temple named Agroha that I could take the picture of this amazing craft. Agroha is located near Hissar city in Haryana state of India.

The artists who created the statue must have created it just as effortfully as the expressive efforts of the statue playing the shehnai. Look at the expression; it's so real! The efforts of the lungs and cheeks to play the flute-like instrument, are so well-crafted. Shehnai is an Indian instrument mostly used during rituals.

In Agroha, Hissar, Haryana, India, a statue of a shehnai player:
Statue of shehnai player at Agroha, Hissar, Haryana, India


  1. Yep, very true. I thought once is it real?
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. @ Appu: Ya, even though I have taken the photograph myself, when I was posting it over here, for some time, I believed it was a real person!

  3. Excellent craftsmanship. Shot well :)

  4. Thanks for sharing the photographs of this excellent craftsmanship.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  5. Wow..that looks like a real person.BEAUTIFUL!!

  6. But where is the cobra? We usually see a cobra rising up and swaying frighteningly when that flute is played!!!

    What a fabulous statue!

  7. Olá

    Bela foto.

    Parabéns o teu blog têm foto magnificas.


  8. Beleza de imagem. Parece mesmo real.

  9. @ Ria: Oh yes!

    @ Miss Val's Creations: Thank you :)

    @ chitra: Really! Thank you!! :)

    @ Hamaree Rasoi [Deepa]: My pleasure :)

    @ aipi: Yes, really!

    @ Holly: No no, it's not that instrument. The cobra dance instrument is called "Been". It has a bulge between the starting and the ending nozzles :)

    @ sideny: Muito obrigado, sideny, por suas palavras boas :)

    @ Sônia Brandão: Estou feliz que você gostou :)

  10. It is extraordinary, perfect phantasm!

  11. @ MTA: Welcome MTA, after so many days :) I hope you are well! I'm happy you liked the shot :)

  12. A very lively statue! It looks so realistic, especially the eyes.

  13. @ Thérèse: Yes, the eyes are the highlight! I did not notice it so deeply :)

  14. Bhavesh wow stunning image, just like painting.
    Anna :)

  15. @ Aripi De Fluture: I'm so happy that you liked it :)

    @ Margaret Cloud: Really my pleasure to show it to you :) Glad you liked it :)

  16. Remarkable statue...I actually spent three nights in Haryana at the home of a friend of a friend before my trip to Agra! That drive to Agra was such an experience - talk about scary traffic. I spent half the ride with my head in my hands, thinking I would never see my homeland again!

  17. @ RNSANE: That's India afterall; everything is chaos, but it's still going on! What a wonder, isn't it?

  18. That's really cool - so realistic, it looks like a human rather than a statue.
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