Contest Winner — I am the photo contest winner

I won it! Remember, I participated in OlympusPro City Frames Photo Contest? The theme was "Flavor of your city". I participated with the below photo of Dagdusheth Ganpati [the flavor of my city Pune] and won the competition. Oh! I can't believe this; I AM the CONTEST WINNER! CONTEST WINNER!! THE CONTEST WINNER!!! Woohoo! Yippie!! Yay!!! I AM the CONTEST WINNER! I still can't believe this.

Dagdusheth Ganpati
Dagdusheth Ganpati
Dagdusheth Ganpati

I'm waiting for the prize now. It's Olympus µ TOUGH-8010.

Contest Winner
Contest Winner
Contest Winner


  1. Congratulations Bhavesh.
    I'm so proud of you, so happy!

    I voted you!
    I'm very glad.

    kiss kiss

  2. It is a wonderful photo and may I say Congratulations to a talented fellow. Peace

  3. @ OutrosEncantos: I was sure you had voted for me. Thanks so much!

    @ Neha: Thank you Neha!

    @ Lady Di Tn: Thank you so much friend!

    @ Joy: Thank you!

  4. This is so wonderful, Bhavesh. I voted for you and emailed many friends. You were so deserving with this beautiful picture, so representative of your country.

  5. Congrats, Bhavesh!! Thats such wonderful news!

  6. @ RNSANE: I knew you had a valuable contribution in my win. Thank you so much for spreading the word and collecting uncountable votes for me :) You are wonderful! And yes, the photo is my favorite too.

    @ Anu: Thank you so much :)

  7. Olá!!

    Sou amiga da OutrosEncantos. Eu disse a ela que não sabia inglês, mas ela me avisou que eu poderia escrever em Português que você iria entender... Por isso, eu vim.

    Bem, parabéns pela vitória! É muito bom receber reconhecimento por algo que fazemos, principalmente quando o fazemos por amor.

    A arte da fotografia é incrível, acho que é possível capturar a alma de uma pessoa através de uma simples foto se o fotógrafo for um sensível artista.

    Meus parabéns!!

  8. @ Elaine Regina: É tão bom ver você aqui.

    Muito obrigado por me parabenizando. Sim, eu também acredito que ele se sente muito bem quando é reconhecido pelo trabalho que amamos fazer.

    Você está certo, a fotografia é incrível!


    So good to see you here.

    Thank you so much for congratulating me. Yes, I too believe that it feels great when we get recognized for the work we love to do.

    You are right; photography is amazing!

  9. I've been offline for a while - and look what I found when i came back! Congratulations my friend! I voted for you too! I'm so excited for you and I have a silly smile on my face that is making everyone in my house say "what's going on?"! I can't wait to tell them!

  10. @ Clytie: That's so nice of you to be happy with my achievement :) Very well expressed! :)
