Namaste Tower

Namaste Tower in Mumbai is going to be another civil engineering marvel. Ambika Mills property in Lower Parel is the location where this majestic Namaste Tower is under construction. The Namaste Tower is designed by Atkins Design Studio. The height of Namaste Tower will be 300 meters. There will be 62 floors in Namaste Tower encompassing spaces for offices, hotels and retail.

Namaste Tower
Namaste Tower
Namaste Tower

The design of the Namaste Tower is inspired by the traditional Indian greeting of "Namaste", where the hands are clasped together in greeting. In Sanskrit, "Namaste" means "I bow to you". It has a spiritual significance of negating one's ego in the presence of another.

Namaste Tower - Landscape View
Namaste Tower - Landscape View
Namaste Tower - Landscape View

At the summit of Namaste Tower, a generous quadruple height atrium space will enclose a Sky Restaurant and Bar which will provide a unique vantage point for patrons to gain panoramic views out over the city of Mumbai.

Namaste Tower - Rising High
Namaste Tower - Rising High
Namaste Tower - Rising High

Namaste Tower - Long Section
Namaste Tower - Long Section
Namaste Tower - Long Section

Namaste Tower - View from Race Course
Namaste Tower - View from Race Course
Namaste Tower - View from Race Course

Note: I received the above virtual photos of Namaste Tower and information about it, in an email forward. These are not photographed/created by me. The copyright and credit of these virtual photos of Namaste Tower remain with the original photographers and artists. If you are one of the original photographers or artists of these virtual photos of Namaste Tower, please let me know; I'll very happily link back to you :)


  1. Wow this is stunning. I love the design. I have seen using namaste word a lot here, from my friends and yoga class. Anna :)

  2. This is a marvel of modern engineering complimenting the ever ancient NAMASTHE. Great idea, great monument, great post. Everything great here.

  3. @ Chow and Chatter: Really!

    @ Anna: That's interesting to know!

    @ Joy: Me too!

    @ cyclopseven: Thank you :)

  4. Being In Mumbai! I never knew a marvel going to come up! beside this being 3d visualiser was stunned !!!!!!!!!

  5. @ Nikhil Soneji: I think your 3D visualizations are also very impressive! You are very creative Nikhil.

  6. @ Mitr Friend - Bhushavali: :)

  7. Anonymous27 June, 2011


  8. chanceless tower. very beautiful................

  9. Namaste to the architect.
