Sports Betting

Football Sports betting has become such a huge thing that even pure minds are becoming wicked. It's a lure that most are trying to avoid, but are getting engaged into without even realizing. Well, whatever it may be, good and bad are decided by humans. Even if it is bad, people are betting on sports from the very past in the history.

The recent times have openly allowed many bookies to take even a larger advantage of sports betting. Take the IPL cricket for example. The whole thing is so huge in terms of everything, including financials, that bookies are making manifold profits compared to their jobs in the past. Of course, some people must have lost their fortunes. But some made fortunes as well!

In India, recently a good movie was released based on sports betting. I don't recall the name, but it had great reviews all over.

And oh yes, the options are so many that there are special sports picks one can have a look at.


  1. Is it Jannat you are referring to?

  2. Fortunes come and go in the betting world. It becomes an obession, I think, Bhavesh and, while I am not against gambling as such, I think it easily destroys lives and gets so out of control. For me, I enjoy playing a little blackjack...or, at least, I did, on occasion, when I was still employed but I had a limit of about $100. I merely played for amusement!

  3. @ Neha: Yes, probably!

    @ Carmen Hensey: You are really a wise lady :)

  4. Wow! What a great discussion about sports betting.

  5. Nice information about sports betting. Thanks!

  6. Obviously, due to technology development and individual interest in sports betting, the industry is booming rapidly. Betters can find various options to bet in different games.
