Bhavesh's Joy at Shivneri

If you remember, a few months back I visited the very beautiful fort of Shivneri. If not, see Multiple Peaks and Leaf Fan.

I'm sharing my personal takes from Shivneri. I hope you will like to see me enjoy the great moments at the great fort :)

Bhavesh at the main gate of Shivneri

Bhavesh climbing up Shivneri

Bhavesh rock climbing

Bhavesh in joy at Shivneri

Bhavesh in a poetic pose

Bhavesh walking at Shivneri


You may like to see One Man Crowd, Bhavesh, Bhavesh in Baur Ghat, Rajasthani turbans


  1. You are so handsome Bhavesh!

  2. That looks like quite a bit of tough climbing!! Did Megha go along? Who was the photographer? Nice pictures of you. I, especially, like the fifth picture. Nice eyes.

    I am so glad to be home after five days in the hospital.

  3. @ Mansi: Thank you.

    @ RNSANE: It was not tough at all Carmen! Oh yes, Megha did join me. All my photographs are taken by Megha. Like you, we too are glad that you are safely back at home :)

  4. Wonderful shots! I did enjoy them so much.
    Thank you for sharing at
