Deer in Katraj Zoo

Just a casual photo this time with a meaning, probably. It seems that the deer is in search of an unending land to run on at its full speed. I photographed this deer in Katraj zoo.

Deer in Katraj Zoo

There are many deer in Katraj zoo, all beautiful and healthy, but they need freedom. Those who are regular visitors here on my blog might recall that I had published Wednesday Wallpapers of this deer in the past, and it was liked very much because of the details, good color contrast and adequate icon space on the left side.

I hope you like the photo of this beautiful deer.


  1. The deer is very beautiful and looks quite healthy. I think you may be right, though. They must really long for a chance to break free and run wild, to feel the wind racing in their ears and to hear the sound of their hooves racing along the ground.

  2. Excellent shot!


    PS Left a comment on earlier post - hoping you had a good Summer!

  3. We will understand the pain of the deer, the moment we learn to break free from our senses. That freedom is a total immersion in nature. Good shot.

  4. @ RNSANE: Sad, but possibly true.

    @ Lola: Thank you. And I did reply there :) The summer is monsoon here! How's yours?

    @ cyclopseven: Righto; we humans need to think out of our box of boundations of thoughts. At that time, the deer in Katraj zoo, and many others will break free. And I'm happy that you liked the photography.

  5. Katraj Zoo has really healthy animals, This deer also looks fine. What about the snake park? Have you visited the same too. Please plan an article on the same too. Thanks Bhavesh and Keep up the good work.

    1. Oh yes! I have visited the Katraj Snake Park also! It is also well made and well kept. However, I feel that the animals need freedom! Zoos are not their home. Wilderness is their home. We must stop this cruelty.
