Ganesh Utsav 2011 - Ganpati face made of hair strand

Today is a big day for many in India, especially for the residents of Maharashtra. Today is the first day of Ganesh Utsav [festival of Lord Ganesh/Ganpati], which starts from Ganesh Chaturthi [4th day of moon] that is Lord Ganpati's birthday, and lasts for 10 days.

Thinking about what to publish this season — Ganesh Utsav 2011, while having a cup of tea, a strand of hair automatically made a great shape of Lord Ganesh's face. I added another strand to make its eye. How's it? Indians will easily recognize the face of Lord Ganesh!

Ganpati face made of hair strand - Ganesh Utsav 2011
Ganesh Utsav 2011 - Ganpati face made of hair strand

Oh yes, for those who want to see how Lord Ganesh looks, see my post from the past named Dagdusheth Ganpati. I had photographed it 2 years back.


  1. Very creative, Bhavesh, but it in no way compares to that incredible photograph you took previously. That is such a beautiful Lord Ganesh. I hope I can get to see that when I am in India. If I remember, you won some sort of prize for that picture. I know I voted for it.

  2. The universe says, this is what i have done, i want you to complete it. And, you did that by placing the eye. wonderful.

  3. @ RNSANE: I'm not sure whether I should praise myself, but I too like the Dagdusheth Ganpati Photo I photographed 2 years back. There's a great energy that the photograph radiates! And you're right; your vote made me win a waterproof camera. It's an award-winning photograph now I should say :)

    @ cyclopseven: That's very nicely expressed truth about the universe and human beings.

  4. I love this drawing, simple, clean, but so expressive.

    good evening Bhavesh

  5. @ MTA: I'm glad that you liked the creativity. And Good Evening to you too!
