Beautiful mud houses with natural air conditioning

Beautiful mud houses with natural air conditioning

Near Kuldhara, we saw these amazing houses made of mud, covered with cap of wild dry bush sticks. It's said that these houses remain cool in desert summers and warm in desert winters! Amazing, isn't it? I feel, these are beautiful as well.

Beautiful mud houses with natural air conditioning

Beautiful mud houses with natural air conditioning


  1. Simplicity can sometimes yield the most beauty - and these simple and elegant houses show that well.

  2. These do look amazing. Though life in them would be less good :(

    1. You never know Neha! I've seen photos of such houses [much bigger in size] having complete facilities :)

  3. I just found your blog, and your photos are absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Thank you for your words of appreciation Mike!

  4. Life can be as simple as this...but we weave spider web all around us and cry everyday. Such an ingenius way of survival. Home sweet home.

    1. As always, your comments are wise and inspirational for the visitors here.

  5. I would have loved to see the inside of these houses. Simplicity can often be the best thing. I was talking to my youngest ( 27 ) son on skype the other night, telling him I wish I could spend half a year in India and half a year in the US. I am essentially homeless now, having moved from my four bedroom home I rented for 14 years. I gave away over half of my possessions away ( tv, furniture, queen sized bed, and many other things ) and put the rest in a large storage facility. Jeremy pointed out that I've managed to do without all those things for nearly three months now and suggests that, when I come home, I go through that stuff and get rid of more, just rent a room for a few months and head back to India while my health still permits. He may well be right.

    1. I think that he's right. You have to consider that option :)

  6. A lot of people find the summer months in this country (UK) too hot and it's not surprising. We have a very humid summer most years and it can be a bit too much at times.

    1. Oh! I thought UK is cool year round - cool in some months, and cooler in the other months!!
