Have you seen the All New Chaukhat.com? You may want to buy some Premium Photo Paintings.

Have you seen the All New Chaukhat.com?


  1. I had not seen this. I am reminded of why I enjoy your blog so much - the beauty of the world you catch on your camera is extraordinarily beautiful! You are such a talented photographer!

    Someday when I'm rich I will have to buy some of your art!!!

    1. That's so nice of you Clytie, really. I am happy that you really like my photography and are interested in buying some premium photo paintings. I'm not sure if I have to mention, the prices are too low as most of my friends say! :)

      And oh yes, your Random Heart Thursdays are amazing :)

  2. Well, back in my days of employment when I still had a four bedroom home and many walls, I could afford your art and that of your lovely wife. Now I must content myself with using my monthly pension with visiting less expensive India and spending some time with the wonderful creators of that art.

    1. I understand your position Carmen. I just hope that there will be some magic to increase your income, not just because you can buy my premium photo paintings and Megha's ethnic paintings, but also because you can have even better time roaming the world over.
