The Redwoods – Whakarewarewa Forest, Rotorua, New Zealand

The Redwoods – Whakarewarewa Forest, Rotorua, New Zealand

The Redwoods - Whakarewarewa Forest, a productive plantation forest in the north island of New Zealand, is a place of recreation and to explore the forest environment. There are jogging paths, horse trails, mountain-biking circuits, etc.

When I took the photo above, I was feeling as if I have time-travelled hundreds of years back!


  1. Redwoods are found on the "opposite coast" here in the U.S. I've never seen one. I bet they're amazing to see.
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. Ya, in northern California! There is even a protected area - Redwood National Park.

      You must see these gracious giant trees. You will be left amazed forever with their sheer size and proportions!

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed! In fact, Redwood Trees are the world's tallest and largest trees! Seeing them in person is a mesmerizing experience, really.

  3. Absolutely breathtaking! Thank you!

  4. I can't believe that this fantastic photo was taken in the Whakarewarewa Forest, which I visited on a trip to New Zealand.
    I can relate to your comment about travellng back hundreds of years. Those trees are amazing.
    Thanks for reminding me of a great holiday

    1. My pleasure indeed! I guess all of us who have visited the beautiful Whakarewarewa Redwoods Forest feel the same! :)

  5. It's amazing how plants can be the same around the world. It boggles the mind how redwood trees could be on the California coast and in New Zealand. Our world must have been very different while it was forming. - Margy

    1. One ancestry to everything! It is indeed amazing to see how evolution changes things nearby also, but keeps some things really similar so far away!

  6. I will expect you and Megha to visit the California redwoods, too!!!!
