Tree Surprise in a Dam Backwater

There's a very small village named Tivre [तिवरे in local language] in the Konkan area of the Maharashtra state in India. One of my friends was born there. I have been there 2 times. What a beauty that place has!

In the early monsoon of 2006, during my first visit there, I was amazed to see a fallen tree very unreasonably lying at a place. I have no idea how it reached there. Probably, from the forest, it fell down in a river, and reached here with the flow of the river.

Do you want to see that tree? Here it is…

Peace in Konkan - A Dam's Backwater in a Small Village named Tivre. It is built on a river named Vashishti.

The above photograph was taken sitting on a small dam's wall, facing towards the backwaters. The dam is built on a river named Vashishti passing through Tivre, probably originating from the dense forests of Koyna in Konkan.

To give you an idea where the photo was taken, I have given its location in a map below. If you zoom out, you will find out how beautiful the location of the village is.

View Larger Map

Splat Tree at Tikona [तिकोणा]

Again browsing through my old photographs, I found yet another fascinating creation of nature. Those who have read my previous post must have understood what I mean.

Nature will take over everything if we still give it a chance to recover. Below tree photograph is an example showing an old man-made structure being taken over by the natural process of vegetation. This photo is from the remains of the Tikona [triangular] [तिकोणा in local language] fort in Pune district of Maharashtra state in the country named India on the third planet named Earth in the local solar system.

This fig tree at Tikona in Pune District of India looks like it has been spit on the rocks.

The funny part is… doesn't this tree look like it has been splat on the rocks? Whatever it may be, but it for sure looks very beautiful to me :)

Nature's Brickwork

I was browsing through my old photographs, and found 2 shots taken at 2 different places resembling a similar act of nature.

The following photograph was taken at the Tikona [तिकोणा in the local language] fort in Pune in the winter of 2006. It shows how a fig has grown and has got its hold on a bastion of the old fort using the gaps between the stone bricks. This tree must have become very big now I guess :) Happy me if true.

A fig has rooted and has taken a good hold over a bastion of a very old fort. This photograph was taken in the winter of 2006 at Tikona fort in Pune.

The following photograph was taken in the Parshuram Temple in Konkan in the beginning of the monsoon of 2006. The algae has taken over the filling between the bricks.

Beautiful green algae on the fillings of the brickwork. This photograph was taken in the early monsoon of 2006 in the Parshuram temple in Konkan.

If we still give a chance, nature can take over everything we have artificially produced; everything will be forestified — Earth will be beautiful again.

Pune Visited by Super Thunderstorm Last Night [ढगफूटी]

I have never seen anything like this in my life. Belive me. What happened last night was beyond imagination of any Punekar [citizen of Pune]. It was what I believe called in local language as ढगफूटी [Dhagphooti] that literally means cloud bursting. The super loud sound of lightning gave a feeling as if the GOD is tearing off the huge dark clouds and the full water-content of the clouds is falling down in one go. The empty clouds vanished and the new dense clouds kept on coming and getting teared off. Living in the tallest residential apartment in our area, that too on the top floor, what I felt was the next lightning bolt is for me.

It was 3:30 in the morning. I was lost in deep sleep. Suddenly, an intense lightning flash filled my eyes with electric blue. My sleep vanished in a second. Before I could react, I heard a very loud sound of lightning. It was so loud that I had not heard anything louder than it in my life. The next second, I found myself sitting straight on my bed; it was an instant reaction. In the next 10 seconds, there were at least 3 lightning strikes. I was horrified, and suddenly felt what I have been realizing from my childhood — we are nothing in front of the nature, and if nature wishes, our living bodies can turn dead masses within a blink of an eye. I looked outside from my bedroom's large window and the scene way worse than any scene from those nature's-fury movies. The whole city had lost electricity. All the buildings were standing in darkness. The heavy clouds had covered the cityscape. Heavy rain was drenching everything. Intense lights from the lightning strikes were giving the heart-stopping split-second scenes of the dead-like city. This all lasted for about an hour.

After waking, the first discussion in home was the same topic. Nobody had felt anything like this in life in Pune. When I was driving to the office, the roads were covered in mud, the river-side road was very difficult to drive due to the layer of the mud. At office, all had that face with the same topic. Someone said that 2 trees fell near their home. I don't know how many in the city.

What we wondered at 3:30, at the breakfast time, and even at the office was what would have been the situation of the small lives like birds, cats, etc. We were in a concrete structure, but felt so much horror. What must have been their situation sleeping on tree branches?

Is this a glimpse of the future's extreme weather people are going to see in weather-wise well-balanced places like Pune also?

What's Beyond This?

Beautiful Grass with Dew Drops

Do you know what's beyond this lovely bunch of dew-dropped grass? Scroll down…

Steep Fall from Sinhagad

Another View of Steep Fall from Sinhagad

Always take your next step very carefully. Actually, I myself never implement this rule.

Lilies of Sinhagad

Is there a different feeling looking at these lilies? [I'm not sure if these are lilies, quite a lack of knowledge you know] Somehow I feel as if these flowers have bloomed in heaven. There's a heavenly feeling due to the foggy climate these pretty flowers have bloomed in. The color-combination of wet-rock, haze, brown, green and yellow looks so nice when it is made by the nature. Have we ever tried to wear clothes of these shades? I can imagine it will look way too good. What a new color-combination I have learned from a heavenly place named Sinhagad.

Enjoy the photographs below…

Lilies of Sinhagad

Lily of Sinhagad

Brand New Blog on Fresh Quotes

Fresh Quotes… Hello Everyone,

Considering all your overwhelming response to my this blog, I have started a brand new blog titled Fresh Quotes. No No, I'm not closing this blog, but it's just an addition. I will continue to publish in this blog too with more and more enthusiasm as always. The new blog is just to express what I feel and what I can put in writing.

Click here to visit my new blog on Fresh Quotes. The URL is

If you like it, please add yourself to the followers to keep updated with my new thoughts :)

Tirupati Balaji - Views Not Even Personal Visitors Get

I've received a very interesting email forward recently. It has some stunning views of Lord Balaji of Tirumala, Tirupati. I don't think even the people who personally visit the temple are granted with such views. Really unbelievable how these photographs were taken despite strict restrictions with photography.

For most of you my friends, Lord Balaji is an unknown term. To be short and to the point, in India, this deity is one of the most believed ones! It is said that if you wish something praying this lord, visit his temple, take a glimpse of him, and give all your hair to him, your wish will come true.

Enjoy these photographs to the max! This seems to be a series of step-by-step bath of the lord, and the last one being completely groomed.

I don't claim copyright of these images as I have not taken these.

Lord Balaji Wearing Just A Dhoti
Lord Balaji Wearing Just A Dhoti

Applying Curd as a Soap, to Lord Balaji
Applying Curd as a Soap, to Lord Balaji

Bathing Lord Balaji with Milk - Photo 1
Bathing Lord Balaji with Milk - Photo 1

Bathing Lord Balaji with Milk - Photo 2
Bathing Lord Balaji with Milk - Photo 2

Bathing Lord Balaji with Honey
Bathing Lord Balaji with Honey

Bathing Lord Balaji with Rose Water
Bathing Lord Balaji with Rose Water

Bathing Lord Balaji with Panchamrut
Bathing Lord Balaji with Panchamrut

Bathing Lord Balaji with Water - Photo 1
Bathing Lord Balaji with Water - Photo 1

Bathing Lord Balaji with Water - Photo 2
Bathing Lord Balaji with Water - Photo 2

Bathing Lord Balaji with Water - Photo 3
Bathing Lord Balaji with Water - Photo 3

Applying Turmeric Powder to Lord Balaji
Applying Turmeric Powder to Lord Balaji

Bathing Lord Balaji with Flowers - Photo 1
Bathing Lord Balaji with Flowers - Photo 1

Bathing Lord Balaji with Flowers - Photo 2
Bathing Lord Balaji with Flowers - Photo 2

Balaji… Tirupati Balaji…
Balaji… Tirupati Balaji…

I have a feeling that this may be a newly created temple, perhaps by ISKCON, and that these photographs may be from their replica temple of Lord Balaji of Tirumala, Tirupati. I have 2 reasons to feel so…
1. There is a watermark of ISKCON on each image.
2. In the last photograph, the small sculpture near the feet of the lord seems to be of Swami Prabhupada, who is the founder of ISKCON.

Save 105 Cars of Emission

I received an email newsletter from HP (Hewlett-Packard) that's quite interesting. I have posted it below…

The simple act of shutting down your computer when you are done for the day can make a world of difference. If we all commit to this one small change, we can reduce energy waste and curb carbon emissions. Join HP's Power To Change campaign and take an important step toward making the world a greener place today.

If 100,00 users shut down their work computers at the end of each day, energy savings could total more than 2,680 kilowatt-hours (kWh) and carbon emissions reductions could total more than 1,600 kilograms (kg) per day. This is the equivalent of eliminating more than 105 cars from the road each day.

Small changes can make a world of difference

Be a part of a global movement and engage in a community of like-minded individuals all making this change for the better. Download the Power To Change widget which reminds you to turn off your computer and keeps track of your energy savings. Here, you can also see the impact that you and the rest of the world are making on the environment.

Start today. Turn off your computer when you are done for the day and help spread the word.