I said in my previous post on Kas Plateau that the photographs in that post are nothing compared to this post. Here is the beautiful bunch of pretty flowers of the stunning Kas Plateau.
I hope you will enjoy. And, I await your comments :)
Doesn't this flower look like a duck or a bird? Look closely!
This indeed is one of the best pictures of my Kas Plateau trip. Clear flower bed background, and a beautiful bird perched on a rock!
3 Daisies?
Looks like a forest of purple flower spikes!
Dense clouds covering the background mountain. In front, there lies the beautiful bed of flowers. Feels like heaven!
Different shades of nature. Which one is yours?
Look at the antennae! Maybe, those are the seeds.

Sorry for overstretching this picture, but this insect was so small, and I had to show it to you all! Do you see the cute little orange-like blob with 2 red dots as eyes? The stretched picture above is a part of the photo above it. The flower was about 1 cm in diameter. Now imagine the size of this small creature roaming on it :)
Unknown tiny white flower. It was about 3 mm in diameter.

Violet Rabbit Flowers. I named it so; doesn't the right one look like a rabbit?
Violet rabbit flower with a bug on it. Do you see the small bug? I have to put an enlarged view of it I guess :)