Old India Photos - Baby Gandhi
Old India Photos - Baby Gandhi
Old India Photos - Begum of Bhopal, 1872
Old India Photos - Begum of Bhopal, 1872
Old India Photos - Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri
Old India Photos - Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri
Old India Photos - Delhi street, 1908
Old India Photos - Delhi street, 1908
Old India Photos - Eight annas court fee
Old India Photos - Eight annas court fee
Old India Photos - Envelope of 1933
Old India Photos - Envelope of 1933
Old India Photos - Farmer in Kolkata
Old India Photos - Farmer in Kolkata
Old India Photos - First election
Old India Photos - First election
Old India Photos - First flag of India after freedom
Old India Photos - First flag of India after freedom
Old India Photos - First parade
Old India Photos - First parade
Old India Photos - First war
Old India Photos - First war
Old India Photos - Gandhiji's final yatra
Old India Photos - Gandhiji's final yatra
Old India Photos - Gandhiji with his wife
Old India Photos - Gandhiji with his wife
Old India Photos - Imambara, Lucknow, 1857
Old India Photos - Imambara, Lucknow, 1857
Old India Photos - Indian Parliament
Old India Photos - Indian Parliament
Old India Photos - Indian Parliament - Aerial view
Old India Photos - Indian Parliament - Aerial view
Old India Photos - Jaipur in 1860
Old India Photos - Jaipur in 1860
Old India Photos - Jama Masjid
Old India Photos - Jama Masjid
Old India Photos - Jama Masjid in 1857
Old India Photos - Jama Masjid in 1857
Old India Photos - Jantar Mantar in 1857
Old India Photos - Jantar Mantar in 1857
Old India Photos - Jhansi Fort in 1857
Old India Photos - Jhansi Fort in 1857
Old India Photos - Kashmiri Gate, Delhi, 1857
Old India Photos - Kashmiri Gate, Delhi, 1857
Old India Photos - Lal Bahadur Shastri with his wife
Old India Photos - Lal Bahadur Shastri with his wife
Old India Photos - Lord Viceroy Residence in Delhi, 1927
Old India Photos - Lord Viceroy Residence in Delhi, 1927
Old India Photos - Macaulay's address to British Parliament dated 2-February-1835. It reads…
I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief, such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their selfesteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.
Old India Photos - Macaulay's address to British Parliament
Old India Photos - Map of India in 1857
Old India Photos - Map of India in 1857
Old India Photos - Mountbatten arrival at Red Fort
Old India Photos - Mountbatten arrival at Red Fort
Old India Photos - Mountbatten with Jawaharlal Nehru
Old India Photos - Mountbatten with Jawaharlal Nehru
Old India Photos - Netaji in a visitor's book of Nagarik Pustakalay
Old India Photos - Netaji in a visitor's book of Nagarik Pustakalay
Old India Photos - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Old India Photos - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Old India Photos - People waiting for PM - Jawaharlal Nehru
Old India Photos - People waiting for PM - Jawaharlal Nehru
Old India Photos - Postage of Madras on 12-February-1857
Old India Photos - Postage of Madras on 12-February-1857
Old India Photos - Postcard of Dhar state
Old India Photos - Postcard of Dhar state
Old India Photos - Sikandar Bagh Lucknow right after the freedom fight of 1857
Old India Photos - Sikandar Bagh Lucknow right after the freedom fight of 1857
Identified by Mr Irfan
Old India Photos - Somewhere in India in 1857
Old India Photos - Somewhere in India in 1857
Old India Photos - Stamps
Old India Photos - Stamps
Old India Photos - Subhash Chandra Bose
Old India Photos - Subhash Chandra Bose
Old India Photos - Subhash Chandra Bose with Adolf Hitler
Old India Photos - Subhash Chandra Bose with Adolf Hitler
Old India Photos - Tatya Tope and troops, 1857
Old India Photos - Tatya Tope and troops, 1857
Old India Photos - Telegraph dated 9-May-1857
Old India Photos - Telegraph dated 9-May-1857
Old India Photos - Telegraph dated 10-May-1857
Old India Photos - Telegraph dated 10-May-1857
Old India Photos - Thousand rupees note
Old India Photos - Thousand rupees note
Old India Photos - The Times of India dated 15-August-1947
Old India Photos - The Times of India dated 15-August-1947
Old India Photos - Unknown freedom fighters hanged
Old India Photos - Unknown freedom fighters hanged
Old India Photos - Young Gandhiji
Old India Photos - Young Gandhiji
Old India Photos - Young Mahatma Gandhi
Old India Photos - Young Mahatma Gandhi
Following photo is submitted and identified by Mr Subhash Kumar
Old India Photos - News published in New York on 03-May-1919. The news reads… Missionaries in India reported to be safe - New York, (AP) - Announcement was made Friday by the Presbyterian board of foreign missions that all the missionaries in the disturbed section of India are safe, the information being based on a cable from the Rev. J. C. R. Ewing, D. D., at Lahore, Punjab, India
Old India Photos - News published in New York on 03-May-1919
Following photo is submitted and identified by Mr Subhash Kumar
Old India Photos - News published in London on 20-April-1919. The news reads… Delhi Strike Continues - Communication with Northern Punjab Interrupted - London [AP] - The latest review of the situation in India received here Saturday shows no improvement in the Punjab and the region of Delhi. The strike continues at Delhi. The people are reported to be maintaining a sullen attitude. The "prevention of seditious meetings act" has been put into force at Multan, southwest of Lahore, and at Jullundur, east of Lahore. Communication with the northern Punjab has been interrupted. A serious outbreak occurred early in the week at Chukarkkan, in the Gujranwala district north of Lahore, and a railway station was wrecked. Mrs. Annie Besant, theosophical and nationalist leader, it is added, has issued a statement condemning the extremists.
Old India Photos - News published in London on 20-April-1919
Following photo is submitted and identified by Mr Subhash Kumar
Old India Photos - News published in the fifth column of page seven in Friday Evening section of The Salt Lake Evening Telegram newspaper dated 24-October-1913. The news reads… Panic strikes India - Bombay, British India, Oct. 24. — The financial excitement as a result of the closing of the Bombay shares market continues and other branches of trade beside those concerned in the mill share market are badly affected. The closing down of the market was due to a tremendous fall in Bombay mill shares and a number of failures. A pearl merchant failed yesterday for approximately $1,350,000, while another gem merchant failed for $100,000.
Old India Photos - News published in the fifth column of page seven in Friday Evening section of The Salt Lake Evening Telegram newspaper dated 24-October-1913
Following photo is submitted and identified by Mr Subhash Kumar
Old India Photos - Son of Mahatma Gandhi — Devandas arrested as reported on 20-August-1942. The news reads… Son of the Hindu leader Mohandas K. Gandhi and managing editor of The Hindustan Times, DEVANDAS GANDHI was arrested Wednesday under the Defense of India Rules. His father has been in custody since the beginning of the civil disobedience drive on Aug. 9.
Old India Photos - Son of Mahatma Gandhi — Devandas arrested as reported on 20-August-1942
Note: I received the above old India photos in an email forward. These are of course not photographed by me as I was not even born :) The copyright and credit of these old India photos remain with the original photographers. If you are one of the original photographers of these old India photos, please let me know; I'll very happily link back to you :)
Update: I have a few more photos received. Sharing here…
Old India Photos - A khadi cloth shop - photo taken in 1920
Old India Photos - A khadi cloth shop - photo taken in 1920
Old India Photos - A grain shop - photo taken in 1873 in Mumbai
Old India Photos - A grain shop - photo taken in 1873 in Mumbai
Old India Photos - A photo from 1873 showing jewelsmiths
Old India Photos - A photo from 1873 showing jewelsmiths
Old India Photos - Teaching Marathi children in 1873
Old India Photos - Teaching Marathi children in 1873
Old India Photos - The famous hotel Taj Mahal Palace near Gateway of India, photographed in year 1900
Old India Photos - The famous hotel Taj Mahal Palace near Gateway of India, photographed in year 1900
Old India Photos - Chor Bazaar [market of stolen items] in Mumbai
Old India Photos - Chor Bazaar [market of stolen items] in Mumbai
Old India Photos - A building in Mumbai photographed in 1890
Old India Photos - A building in Mumbai photographed in 1890
Old India Photos - A snake charmer [sapera] in front of the Gateway of India, photographed in 1939
Old India Photos - A snake charmer [sapera] in front of the Gateway of India, photographed in 1939
Old India Photos - Roads of Mumbai photographed in 1880. There are no cars to be seen, but only horse carts!
Old India Photos - Roads of Mumbai photographed in 1880. There are no cars to be seen, but only horse carts!