Soothing breezes today reminded me the times of monsoon. I don't know why, probably because I am born and brought up in the monsoon-blessed part of the world, but monsoon has a great effect on me, just like sun, moon, terrain, water, trees, flowers, birds, and almost everything. Have you ever wondered what these things are and why these things are like they are. Well, the amazement cannot be expressed in words, and that is not even the topic of this post.
What I was writing was the remembrance of my rendezvous with monsoon year after year. The bond is tightening as it is aging. The remembrance made me look for the past season's photographs. Although, there is a dedicated post that I published last season — see
monsoon photos, I found 2 pre-monsoon photographs of lightning bolts. These photographs were also enough for me to feel the joy of the arriving season. It's not away; just around 12 days to go in my part of India. It must have reached the Lakshadweep already. Until it reaches me, let me share you the photographs of the last year's lightning bolts pre-monsoon.
The above one was a very striking one. The one below was not so striking, but was the most beautiful one; see — it's a bunch of strings of lightning.